Crain's Detroit: 25 Knight Cities Challenge finalists are from Detroit

January 12, 2015 --

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation announced 126 finalists in its Knight Cities Challenge this morning, and 25 of them - or nearly 20 percent - are from our fair city.

"People who live in Detroit want to be a part of the future of Detroit," said Katy Locker, Knight's Detroit program director. "Detroit does things as a community. Most of the ideas are about empowering the community voice in some way."

One of the ideas itself comes from Crain's Detroit Business. Our director of audience development, Eric Cedo, pitched a digital community that would keep former Detroiters connected with their home city.

The proposal is an offshoot of the three-day Detroit Homecoming event Crain's convened in September to re-engage successful Detroit expatriates. We brought back more than 150 high-profile former Detroiters, including Martha Boudreau, chief communications and marketing officer for AARP, and Ron Fournier, editorial director of the National Journal.

"We discovered in the Homecoming that thousands of people who grew up in the metro area but now live and work elsewhere still 'carry the D' in their hearts," said Crain's Publisher Mary Kramer. "We can build a community around that affection that can be an economic force for Detroit."

Homecoming will repeat this fall, but Cedo said he wanted a way to keep, initially, 20,000 Detroit expats in touch with news about the city and themselves.

"This is a real opportunity for talent attraction, for us to make a compelling case for coming back to Detroit," he said. "Homecoming was more about investment and business and philanthropic opportunities, ways to support Detroit; this is about coming home."

The Knight Cities challenge, which generated 7,000 submissions, is an effort by the Miami-based nonprofit to foster "new ideas to make the 26 communities where Knight invests more vibrant places to live and work."

Winners will be announced in the spring and will receive a share of $5 million in grants.

You've heard about the big idea from Crain's. Now let's review the other local proposals, which range from creative ways to clean up blight in the city, to resources for entrepreneurs in underserved communities:

Beautify Our Block, Submitted by ARISE Detroit

Creating a jobs-focused, sustainable rapid response team to fight blight and clean up neighborhoods to improve the quality of life in the city.

The Boggs School Community Dreamscape, Submitted by the Boggs Educational Center

Repurposing the outdoor space of the Boggs School into a "dreamscape" where people can meet, learn from nature, explore art installations and recharge.

Border Talks, Submitted by Graig Donnelly

Creating a physical space to foster engagement between diverse residents of Detroit and its neighbor Grosse Pointe Park, who are separated by barricades and closed streets.

Brand Camp Pop-Up: School Branding Businesses in Detroit Neighborhoods, Submitted by Hajj Flemings, Brand Camp University

Assisting startups and entrepreneurs in underserved neighborhoods with branding their companies and ideas through a multi-day training and mentoring program that helps them tell their stories and establish a digital presence.

Brick + Beam Detroit: Let's Get Rehabbing! Submitted by Emilie Evans, Michigan Historic Preservation Network

Rehabilitating Detroit architecture by providing training, social events and forums for people across skill levels to work together to improve their city.

Bus Riders Need to Be Engaged Too, Submitted by Jacob Rayford Jr.

Engaging the city's bus riders by providing information agents on public transit who can answer questions about the city and relay concerns.

The Buzz, Submitted by Erin Kelly, Detroit Future City

Pairing barbers with landscape contractors to transform overgrown vacant lots through facilitated design workshops that teach mowing and pattern-making techniques.

The Chain Link Kit, Submitted by Claire Nelson

Creating a how-to guide to transform the ubiquitous and unsightly fence into galleries, gardens and grids while promoting community connections.

Detroit Civic Engagement Traveling Road Show, Submitted by Sarida Scott, Community Development Advocates of Detroit

Engaging residents in the future of the city through a series of workshops and community dinners throughout Detroit.

Growing Communities with Strong Funding Roots, Submitted by Renette Gordon, Funding Roots

Using crowdfunding to attract capital to rebuild Detroit, create jobs, engage residents and boost opportunity for new businesses.

Information Supergreenway, Submitted by Jan Shimshock, Detroit RiverFront Conservancy

Providing continuous public WiFi along Detroit's RiverWalk, Dequindre Cut and Eastern Market to break down digital divides, connect neighborhoods and support area entrepreneurs.

Middlecott Sketchbasttle Experiment, Submitted by Brook Banham

Opening the creative process by expanding a public design competition in Detroit, dubbed "a fight club for design," that makes the design process a spectator sport.

Neighborhood Exchange Program, Submitted by Jeanette Pierce, Detroit Experience Factory

Introducing residents to new communities through a series of events that will transport them from one neighborhood to another where they can connect with new people and learn about neighborhood assets, challenges and successes.

NOW WHAT!!!! Submitted by Riet Schumack, Neighbors Building Brightmoor

Making the neighborhood business district in Brightmoor more vibrant through a competition that pairs local businesses with residents to transform vacant spaces using creative design solutions.

Project Groundtruth, Submitted by Dara O'Byrne, Detroit Future City

Improving quality of life for Detroit residents by transforming vacant lots and blighted properties that surround multifamily developments into green, open spaces.

ProsperU$Det Innovation Stations in Your Neighborhood, Submitted by Hector Hernandez, Southwest Economic Solutions

Creating neighborhood "opportunity kiosks" where entrepreneurs would pitch ideas to residents who would vote on proposals to receive small loans, subsidized rent and entrepreneurial training.

Shark Tank for Small Developers/Builders, Submitted by R. John Anderson, Kim Architecture + Design with Strong Towns)

Training a new generation of local developers and builders to manage smaller scale city projects that take less time and fewer resources than traditional models.

Social Water Financing, Submitted by Rachel Cardone

Testing and delivering community-based financing for household and neighborhood water services that promote recycling and reduce water use, such as harvesting rainwater, establishing rain gardens, and retrofitting housing with hyperefficient toilets.

SWOT City Shine, Submitted by Marlo Staples, TechTown Detroit

Engaging the community in designing solar lighting that identifies the city's unique commercial corridors - while overcoming its challenges with maintaining lighting infrastructure.

Uber Local Food System House, Submitted by Kathryn Underwood, Detroit City Planning Commission

Repurposing vacant and abandoned houses to provide year-round indoor sites for growing vegetables for the local community.

The Urban Consulate, Submitted by Claire Nelson

Promoting cross-city cultural exchange by setting up a network of "consulates" for American cities, instead of foreign countries, that offer events and an entree into local culture.

Think Tanker, Submitted by Anya Sirota, MODCaR c/o the Bureau of Emergent Urbanity

Bringing attention to the power of design and the manufacturing economy through Think Tanker, a barge with design studios, exhibition space and maker facilities that will host international designers on the Detroit River.

Why Would Anyone Want to Live in Detroit? Submitted by Rachel Perschetz, LIVE Detroit

Attracting and keeping talent in Detroit by creating a one-stop shop for information about neighborhoods and living in the city.

Windows into Detroit Communities, Submitted by Alex B. Hill, Meg Heeres and Maya Stovall

Bringing residents from diverse communities together in an artistic event where they participate in and listen to discussions that happen across mock borderlines while discovering their differences and commonalities.

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